Results for 'Robert W. Keisling'

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    Commentary on Elger’s “Medical Ethics in Correctional Healthcare”.Robert W. Keisling - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (3):254-255.
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    Hermeneutical Paths to the Sacred Worlds of India: Essays in Honour of Robert W. Stevenson.Robert W. Stevenson & Katherine K. Young - 1994 - Atlanta : Scholars Press.
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    Steel and bone: mesoscale modeling and middle-out strategies in physics and biology.Robert W. Batterman & Sara Green - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1159-1184.
    Mesoscale modeling is often considered merely as a practical strategy used when information on lower-scale details is lacking, or when there is a need to make models cognitively or computationally tractable. Without dismissing the importance of practical constraints for modeling choices, we argue that mesoscale models should not just be considered as abbreviations or placeholders for more “complete” models. Because many systems exhibit different behaviors at various spatial and temporal scales, bottom-up approaches are almost always doomed to fail. Mesoscale models (...)
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    Sketching a Theology based on Historical Science.Robert W. P. Luk - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (1):21-44.
    St. Thomas Aquinas envisaged theology to be a kind of scientia which was considered as a kind of first cause science. However, science of that time is different from “modern” science. Recently, a theory of scientific study is developed, which outlines science by a theory and some models similar to knowledge in physics. According to this theory, sciences organize their knowledge consisting of theories, models and experiments interacting with physical situations. Perhaps, it is possible to organize knowledge of Christian theology (...)
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    Mindreading Animals: The Debate Over What Animals Know About Other Minds.Robert W. Lurz - 2011 - Bradford.
    But do animals know that other creatures have minds? And how would we know if they do? In "Mindreading Animals," Robert Lurz offers a fresh approach to the hotly debated question of mental-state attribution in nonhuman animals.
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  6. The philosophy of animal minds : an introduction.Robert W. Lurz - 2009 - In The Philosophy of Animal Minds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Middle Way: A Non-Fundamental Approach to Many-Body Physics.Robert W. Batterman - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Autonomy -- Hydrodynamics -- Brownian motion -- From Brownian motion to bending beams -- An engineering approach -- The right variables and natural kinds.
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  8. Idealization and modeling.Robert W. Batterman - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3):427-446.
    This paper examines the role of mathematical idealization in describing and explaining various features of the world. It examines two cases: first, briefly, the modeling of shock formation using the idealization of the continuum. Second, and in more detail, the breaking of droplets from the points of view of both analytic fluid mechanics and molecular dynamical simulations at the nano-level. It argues that the continuum idealizations are explanatorily ineliminable and that a full understanding of certain physical phenomena cannot be obtained (...)
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    Explanatory instability.Robert W. Batterman - 1992 - Noûs 26 (3):325-348.
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  10. The Pre-reflective Situational Self.Robert W. Clowes & Klaus Gärtner - 2018 - Topoi 39 (3):623-637.
    It is often held that to have a conscious experience presupposes having some form of implicit self-awareness. The most dominant phenomenological view usually claims that we essentially perceive experiences as our own. This is the so called “mineness” character, or dimension of experience. According to this view, mineness is not only essential to conscious experience, it also grounds the idea that pre-reflective self-awareness constitutes a minimal self. In this paper, we show that there are reasons to doubt this constituting role (...)
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  11. The Intrapersonal Functions of Emotion.Robert W. Levenson - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (5):481-504.
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    Spatial attention speeds discrimination without awareness in blindsight.Robert W. Kentridge, Charles A. Heywood & Lawrence Weiskrantz - 2004 - Neuropsychologia 42 (6):831-835.
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  13. On the specialness of special functions (the nonrandom effusions of the divine mathematician).Robert W. Batterman - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):263 - 286.
    This article attempts to address the problem of the applicability of mathematics in physics by considering the (narrower) question of what make the so-called special functions of mathematical physics special. It surveys a number of answers to this question and argues that neither simple pragmatic answers, nor purely mathematical classificatory schemes are sufficient. What is required is some connection between the world and the way investigators are forced to represent the world.
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    A Peircean Reduction Thesis: The Foundations of Topological Logic.Robert W. Burch - 1991 - Texas Tech University Press.
  15. Christianity & Science in Harmony?Robert W. P. Luk - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):61-82.
    A worldview that does not involve religion or science seems to be incomplete. However, a worldview that includes both religion and science may arouse concern of incompatibility. This paper looks at the particular religion, Christianity, and proceeds to develop a worldview in which Christianity and Science are compatible with each other. The worldview may make use of some ideas of Christianity and may involve some author’s own ideas on Christianity. It is thought that Christianity and Science are in harmony in (...)
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    A comparison of the self-awareness and kinesthetic-visual matching theories of self-recognition: Autistic children and others.Robert W. Mitchell - 1997 - In James G. Snodgrass & R. L. Thompson (eds.), The Self Across Psychology: Self-Recognition, Self-Awareness, and the Self Concept. New York Academy of Sciences.
  17.  20
    Probability, cost, and interpretation biases’ relationships with depressive and anxious symptom severity: differential mediation by worry and repetitive negative thinking.Robert W. Booth, Bundy Mackintosh & Servet Hasşerbetçi - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1064-1079.
    People high in depressive or anxious symptom severity show repetitive negative thinking, including worry and rumination. They also show various cognitive phenomena, including probability, cost, and interpretation biases. Since there is conceptual overlap between these cognitive biases and repetitive negative thinking – all involve thinking about potential threats and misfortunes – we wondered whether repetitive negative thinking could account for (mediate) these cognitive biases’ associations with depressive and anxious symptom severity. In three studies, conducted in two languages and cultures, cost (...)
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  18. Multiplicities of self.Robert W. Mitchell - 1994 - In S. T. Parker, R. M. Mitchell & M. L. Boccia (eds.), Self-Awareness in Animals and Humans: Developmental Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
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    A Litany for Caravaners.Robert W. Lyon - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):16-16.
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    The Mind Technology Problem and the Deep History of Mind Design.Robert W. Clowes, Klaus Gärtner & Inês Hipólito - 2021 - In Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner (eds.), The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-45.
    We are living through a new phase in human development where much of everyday life – at least in the most technologically developed parts of the world – has come to depend upon our interaction with “smart” artefacts. Alongside this increasing adoption and ever-deepening reliance on intelligent machines, important changes have been taking place, often in the background, as to how we think of ourselves and how we conceptualize our relationship with technology. As we design, create and learn to live (...)
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    Dog talk.Robert W. Mitchell - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (3):484-514.
    Canid and human barks and growls were examined in videotapes of 24 humans (Homo sapiens) and 24 dogs (Canis familiaris) playing with familiar and unfamiliar cross-species play partners. Barks and growls were exhibited by 9 humans and 9 dogs. Dogs barked and (less often) growled most frequently when being frustrated by humans and/or engaged in competitive games, and less often when being chased or inviting chase, and being instigated or captured. Dogs never growled when playing with an unfamiliar human, and (...)
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    Insights in How Computer Science can be a Science.Robert W. P. Luk - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):17-46.
    Recently, information retrieval is shown to be a science by mapping information retrieval scientific study to scientific study abstracted from physics. The exercise was rather tedious and lengthy. Instead of dealing with the nitty gritty, this paper looks at the insights into how computer science can be made into a science by using that methodology. That is by mapping computer science scientific study to the scientific study abstracted from physics. To show the mapping between computer science and physics, we need (...)
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  23.  43
    Chaos and algorithmic complexity.Robert W. Batterman & Homer White - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):307-336.
    Our aim is to discover whether the notion of algorithmic orbit-complexity can serve to define “chaos” in a dynamical system. We begin with a mostly expository discussion of algorithmic complexity and certain results of Brudno, Pesin, and Ruelle (BRP theorems) which relate the degree of exponential instability of a dynamical system to the average algorithmic complexity of its orbits. When one speaks of predicting the behavior of a dynamical system, one usually has in mind one or more variables in the (...)
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    Kinesthetic-visual matching and the self-concept as explanations of mirror-self-recognition.Robert W. Mitchell - 1997 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 27 (1):17–39.
    Since its inception as a topic of inquiry, mirror-self-recognition has usually been explained by two models: one, initiated by Guillaume, proposes that mirror-self-recognition depends upon kinesthetic-visual matching, and the other, initiated by Gallup, that self-recognition depends upon a self-concept. These two models are examined historically and conceptually. This examination suggests that the kinesthetic-visual matching model is conceptually coherent and makes reasonable and accurate predictions; and that the self-concept model is conceptually incoherent and makes inaccurate predictions from premises which are themselves (...)
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  25. Anthropomorphism and anecdotes: a guide for the perplexed.Robert W. Mitchell - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 407--427.
  26.  16
    Study Guide for Hurley's a Concise Introduction to Logic.Robert W. Burch & Patrick J. Hurley - 1982 - Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth.
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    The Commandability of Pathological Love.Robert W. Burch - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):131-140.
  28. Conscious beliefs and desires: A same-order approach.Robert W. Lurz - 2006 - In Uriah Kriegel & Kenneth Williford (eds.), Self-Representational Approaches to Consciousness. MIT Press.
  29. On the explanatory role of mathematics in empirical science.Robert W. Batterman - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (1):1-25.
    This paper examines contemporary attempts to explicate the explanatory role of mathematics in the physical sciences. Most such approaches involve developing so-called mapping accounts of the relationships between the physical world and mathematical structures. The paper argues that the use of idealizations in physical theorizing poses serious difficulties for such mapping accounts. A new approach to the applicability of mathematics is proposed.
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    Octavian's pursuit of a swift cleopatra: Horace, odes 1.37.18.Robert W. Carrubba - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (1):178-182.
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    (1 other version)The Sage encyclopedia of business ethics and society.Robert W. Kolb (ed.) - 2018 - Los Angeles: SAGE reference.
    Volume 1. A - Cog -- volume 2. Col - Eg -- volume 3. El - Gi -- volume 4. Gl - L -- volume 5. M - Po -- volume 6. Pr - Sp -- volume 7. St - Z, Appendix, Index.
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    Deleuze, Kierkegaard, and the Ethics of Selfhood, by Andrew M. Jampol-Petzinger.Robert W. Luzecky - 2023 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):133-136.
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    Happiness and freedom: Recent work on John Stuart mill.Robert W. Hoag - 1986 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (2):188-199.
  34. Intellectual virtues: an essay in regulative epistemology.Robert C. Roberts & W. Jay Wood - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by W. Jay Wood.
    From the ferment of recent debates about the intellectual virtues, Roberts and Wood develop an approach they call 'regulative epistemology', exploring the connection between knowledge and intellectual virtue. In the course of their argument they analyse particular virtues of intellectual life - such as courage, generosity, and humility - in detail.
  35. Why is Bayesian confirmation theory rarely practiced.Robert W. P. Luk - 2019 - Science and Philosophy 7 (1):3-20.
    Bayesian confirmation theory is a leading theory to decide the confirmation/refutation of a hypothesis based on probability calculus. While it may be much discussed in philosophy of science, is it actually practiced in terms of hypothesis testing by scientists? Since the assignment of some of the probabilities in the theory is open to debate and the risk of making the wrong decision is unknown, many scientists do not use the theory in hypothesis testing. Instead, they use alternative statistical tests that (...)
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    Big Data, urban governance, and the ontological politics of hyperindividualism.Robert W. Lake - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    Big Data’s calculative ontology relies on and reproduces a form of hyperindividualism in which the ontological unit of analysis is the discrete data point, the meaning and identity of which inheres in itself, preceding, separate, and independent from its context or relation to any other data point. The practice of Big Data governed by an ontology of hyperindividualism is also constitutive of that ontology, naturalizing and diffusing it through practices of governance and, from there, throughout myriad dimensions of everyday life. (...)
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  37. The Bultmann School of Biblical Interpretation: New Directions?Robert W. Funk & Gerhard Ebeling - 1965
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    A Litany of the Poor Church.Robert W. Lyon - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):13-13.
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    Robert W. Farquhar. Fifty Years on the Space Frontier: Halo Orbits, Comets, Asteroids, and More. v + 447 pp., tables, illus., bibl. Denver: Outskirts Press, 2011. $86.95. [REVIEW]Robert W. Smith - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):803-804.
  40.  22
    Time, Capital, and Technological Progress in the Austrian School of Economics.Robert W. Ciborowski, Aneta Kargol-Wasiluk & Marian Zalesko - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (1):123-144.
    The article investigates the significance of time, the nature of capital, and the role of technological progress in economic processes. The presented analysis of the three economic categories makes use of the theoretical achievements of notable representatives of the Austrian School of Economics, for whom a creative entrepreneur was the main protagonist of the interactions taking place in the economy. The above-mentioned economic categories, taken together, are for him the foundation of human activity. The time factor is of great importance (...)
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  41. Autonomy of Theories: An Explanatory Problem.Robert W. Batterman - 2018 - Noûs:858-873.
    This paper aims to draw attention to an explanatory problem posed by the existence of multiply realized or universal behavior exhibited by certain physical systems. The problem is to explain how it is possible that systems radically distinct at lower-scales can nevertheless exhibit identical or nearly identical behavior at upper-scales. Theoretically this is reflected by the fact that continuum theories such as fluid mechanics are spectacularly successful at predicting, describing, and explaining fluid behaviors despite the fact that they do not (...)
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    A whole new world:: Remaking masculinity in the context of the environmental movement.Robert W. Connell - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (4):452-478.
    The impact of feminism on men has produced both backlash and attempts to reconstruct masculinity. The Australian environmental movement, strongly influenced by countercultural ideas, is a case in which feminist pressure has produced significant attempts at change among men. These are explored through life-history interviews founded on a practice-based theory of gender. Six life histories are traced through three dialectical moments: engagement with hegemonic masculinity; separation focused on an individualized remaking of the self, involving an attempt to undo oedipal masculinization; (...)
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    Carl Henry Evaluates the Reformation.Robert W. Talley - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (3):83-96.
    When Carl Henry presented an evaluation of the Reformation and its impact on the worldview of that period, he often put forth the Reformation as an example, which needed emulation by the modern evangelical church. His focus in his evaluation were on actions related to an orthodox view of God’s self-revelation in the areas of epistemology, authority, and life application. Henry’s conviction was that these actions, undertaken particularly by the Reformers Luther and Calvin, were necessary for a redemptive impact on (...)
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  44. Royce, Boolean Rings, and the T-Relation.Robert W. Burch - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2):221-241.
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  45. (1 other version)The devil in the details: asymptotic reasoning in explanation, reduction, and emergence.Robert W. Batterman - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Batterman examines a form of scientific reasoning called asymptotic reasoning, arguing that it has important consequences for our understanding of the scientific process as a whole. He maintains that asymptotic reasoning is essential for explaining what physicists call universal behavior. With clarity and rigor, he simplifies complex questions about universal behavior, demonstrating a profound understanding of the underlying structures that ground them. This book introduces a valuable new method that is certain to fill explanatory gaps across disciplines.
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    Has the greedy toad lost its soul; and if so, what was it?Robert W. Doty - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):375-375.
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    Business ethics & common sense.Robert W. McGee (ed.) - 1992 - Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.
    This book takes a different approach to business ethics. Some of the contributors take a more popular collectivist approach, but many of them do not. Thus, the book offers a more balanced presentation of business ethics than that found in most books on the subject.
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    Roberts' Demetrius de Elocutione- Roberts' Demetrius de Elocutione.W. Rhys Roberts - 1903 - The Classical Review 17 (02):128-134.
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  49. Attention without awareness in blindsight.Robert W. Kentridge, Charles A. Heywood & Lawrence Weiskrantz - 1999 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 266:1805-11.
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    On professor white's puzzle.Robert W. Beard - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (1):107-109.
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